Friday, November 1, 2013

The Perfect Cookie...

This past week, MIS teaching staff (sorry Lydia) had their fall break and it was well deserved for many. I dedicated a large chunk of time working on activating my employment website...but not before experimenting in the kitchen!

Living in Germany has finally afforded me with an oven. A regular sized, regular heated opposed to a large or glorified toaster oven. It's been years and I've so been waiting for an oven! So, I took up baking. I bake for my teammates in the PE Department and I've mastered a carrot cake and a caramel apple cheesecake. They're my best tasting efforts, no fail! I also make a mean moist nd dense chocolate cake. But, my cookies, quite frankly, suck. By cookies, I mean, my chocolate chip cookies; chocolate chip cookies are THE cookies (Reference: The Cookie Monster, Sesame Street, Cookie of Choice, 1984...ish?). The thing that Germany does not have, however, is packable, finely ground brown sugar. Here, it's in bigger chunks and it has to be melted first, to allow the cookies any chance of being chewy (Reference: +Jayson Bowerman). But, even with the sugar melted, my chocolate chip cookies have not been very good. I needed to take action, so, when I went home two weekends ago, for one of my dearest and bestest friend's wedding, I made a point of getting some packed brown sugar, even if it meant a couple extra pounds in my luggage. It'd be worth it...On Tuesday evening, I discovered just how worth it!

I use for my baking recipes - it's amazing - so I'm posting the recipe I used (a new one, but obviously chose it for the rave reviews and the product lived up to its namet!):

The link to the recipe is also here:

Paired with some TollHouse chocolate chips (thanks Courtney) and the 'good' brown sugar, these cookies turned out awesomely! I shared with mates the next day when they weren't fresh but they were still a bit chewy which is a big improvement compared to the rock hard (but still delicious) cookies I've been formerly producing. It was a great feeling of success! So, if you've got 'good' brown sugar and like THE cookies, then try out this awesome recipe! :)

Cookies...nom, nom, nom!

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