Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Day of Love ♥

This year was the first year I've celebrated Valentine's Day as a single lady in seven years. But, my ex was Korean and in Korea, February 14th is a day to shower the men in your lives with chocolate. He wasn't a big believer in this hyped up February day but because he was always well aware of my Canadian culture and ways, I usually didn't have an empty handed day when we actually got to spend it together. For all the ladies in Korea, March 14th is their big day of love when they receive candy (not chocolate) from their men. This day is called White Day and it's a day when Chupa Chups are a hot commodity!

So what if you're single in Korea? You don't get to celebrate Valentine's Day or White Day? Well, you still have a special day to celebrate your 'singleness'! Black Day is on April 14th and it marks a true 'Singles Awareness Day' as single men and women are meant to order Chinese black noodles, called jajangmyeon, to show others they are, in fact, alone and single! It's not really something I think I'd want to advertise unless there were some hot men sitting in the restaurant eating their own jajangmyeon! :P I guess I'll wait and see what happens this coming April 14th!

Jajangmyeon - black noodles in Korea
So, my first Valentine's Day single wasn't much different from other Valentine's Days for me, as BokYoun and I usually had quite some distance between us on this international day of love. I've been giving out Valentine cards nearly every year since I was in grade primary and this year was no different. I ordered some printable Transformers Valentines online, printed them and gave them to the students I taught yesterday. I also intended on filling out some cards for my friends and colleagues but after signing up for snack duty and committing to make 100 heart shaped cookies, I just ran out of time.

The final product - heart shaped cookies, chocolate, chips and classic Valentine cards for the MIS JS staff! :)
So why buy into all the hype of this Hallmark holiday? Well, because we need to spread the love! You don't necessarily have to buy anything either if you don't believe in supporting the big companies that profit from February 14th. It's an extra smile, hug or kiss you can throw out there. It's an additional greeting to brighten someone's day, aside from the ol "Hey!", "Good morning!" or sometimes mundane, "How are you?" followed by "Good/fine." in response. People claim that everyday is a day of love for them so Valentine's Day is a scam...but I disagree. Though I tell my friends and family I love them on a daily basis, it's a chance to spread smiles and warm the hearts of others - and have a valid excuse to do so! I went around distributing smiles and cookies once my junior school colleagues had their share and it felt good to get a smile (from most) in return. So, yes, I love Valentine's Day! Even though I'm single and I didn't get any 'lovin' of my own, I will always take the opportunity to spread positivity and good cheer when I can. So, a very, very special "HAPPY DAY AFTER VALENTINE'S DAY" to all of you love day critics and I hope everyone has a lovely day! :) xoxox


Anonymous said...

"Didn't get any lovin' of my own"....Melinda! I love you!! Lizzy loves you. John....ok, John tolerates you :) Thank you for your thoughtfulness, your enthusiasm, your mad baking skills and your love! xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Ahahah I should have stipulated 'lovin' a bit better! I love you, Lizzie and John in a tolerable sense too! :) xox
Thank YOU for being YOU! :)